This company was created from three generations of painters - from the beginning we've been family owned and operated. I started out by going with my Poppy at the young age of ten helping him chulk, putty, and remove switch covers. Fresh out of high-school I worked at Sherwin-Williams for two years before gaining an opportunity to work for a local commerical company. I shortly recognized that I have the capacity to start my own company with the lessons my Poppy left behind. My grandfather started out with his Dad where they painted water towers in Toledo, Ohio Grandpa always loving heights and challenges lead him to Losuiville, Ky to paint the 2nd street bridge before the now infamous yellow. As grandpa got older he started working on his own doing residential painting until he retired. The lessons instilled in him from his Dad many years ago are the same values that were passed down to me. Which are engraved into this company from our integrity, our grit, dedication to our craft and our quality of work.
We take pride to keep what my great-grandfather James Claud Dempesy started many years ago alive - to be the best in our craft and provide long lasting solutions to our community.
We do painting. You do life.
Get in touch today!